
MicroRhizons are developed for root research (e.g. using a RhizonBox) and agar tests. The porous membrane is 8 mm long, 1 mm in diameter and has a mean pore size of 0.15 µm. There is no need to filter the sample before analyzing. The yield of MicroRhizons is up to 2 ml.

MicroRhizons can be steam-sterilized.

Available MicroRhizons


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Article no. Description Connection Membrane length Pore size Tubing
19.21.81 MicroRhizon Silicon, for syringe with tip 8 mm 0.15µm PEEK,
12 cm
19.21.82 MicroRhizon,
PEEK guide tube
Silicon, for syringe with tip 8 mm 0.15µm PEEK,
12 cm
19.21.83 MicroRhizon,
silicon sleeve
Silicon, for syringe with tip 8 mm 0.15µm PEEK,
12 cm