About us
Rhizosphere Research Products B.V. is a small Dutch family business, specialized in products for sampling water in the rhizosphere, called Rhizon samplers. RRP develops and produces many varieties of Rhizons, there is one for each purpose.

Artificial roots
The first Rhizons were developed and introduced to the market as artificial roots in the early 90’s for agricultural purposes. Right from the beginning, the Rhizon samplers were appreciated for their sampling characteristics and user-friendly properties.
Since then, many new types of Rhizons have been developed to answer the specific demands of researchers from other disciplines. We are proud that our products are mentioned in so many scientific publications.
Continuous improvement
It is our ambition to improve the quality and the range of our products continuously. Therefore we would love to hear about your experience using Rhizon samplers. Your feedback helps us to improve our service level and product range.